Meeting records, approved minutes and contact info are available to Owners (members) by clicking on the links in the Owners Only password-protected page.
Next HOA Board Meeting
December 4, 2021
*Board Meetings are generally held on the 4th Wednesday of each month
NOTE: All links are in PDF format so you must have Adobe Reader to view. To download the reader, go to, select "Reader" from the Download drop-down menu and follow the directions. It's Free!
Barry Johnston, Maintenance Director
214-507-3546 - cell
Please make note of the following options for paying your HOA dues:
- Place your check in an envelope marked "Dues" in the black mailbox on the wall on the north side of the Clubhouse
- Mail to: Pierremont Townhome Association
9320 Frenchmans Way
Dallas, TX 75220
- Pay Online. Please contact the Association Treasurer, listed on this website, for bank routing instructions.
Thank You!